Friday, October 19, 2007

Knitting is in the Bag

We had our annual Regional Library System In-Service Training yesterday. Sharon from KansasKnits and Hollis, who works with Kathy G. of KansasKnits, were both presenters. Sharon was there in her professional capacity along with her cohort Julie to tell us about how they used knitting as a hook to teach folks about technology. I learned about all sorts of things I didn't know before.

I didn't get to hear Hollis speak because I was introducing the speaker at a parallel session. Her talk was on finding hidden markets in your community. I was introducing the session called "Why is That Dog in Here?" about the Reading with Dogs program in libraries. (I had fun petting Sophie.)

Where all this is leading is the new knitting bag I found to use at the in-service. Since Sharon's topic was related to knitting, we encouraged folks to bring their work. I saw several folks KIPing during the day.

My bag was small, just a bit bigger than a very large apple -- there was just room for a ball of yarn and my short bamboo needles, a business card case that carried my ID, ATM card and a few business cards, and my small, slim digital camera. It clipped to my belt loop, so I never lost my knitting or my "purse" and I could snap photos where ever I found something interesting happening. (I'm the editor, chief writer, camera-gal and Girl Friday of the system newsletter.)Since I was the coordinator of this workshop, I was all over the place doing one thing or another. If I ever laid anything down, it was gone. I really enjoyed my little knitting bag.

If you have to be on the go and want to be hands free, I recommend a bag like this. Mine looks like a mini-backpack. I found it at Staples in a back-to-school bin in September. If I remember right, it was under $10. If they still have them, they may be on the clearance rack by now. Hm... note to self -- go back and check Staples for more of these.

AND how has your knitting week been? Now that the in-service is over, I plan to have my life back and get to knit more often!

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