Friday, February 22, 2008

KIPping for KLA and State Librarian's Luncheon

The Kansas Library Conference is in April. Each year the State Librarian hosts a luncheon for attendees and asks for contributions to be door prizes and table decorations. Those contributions are often auctioned off with the proceeds being donated to a worthy cause. Last year's luncheon asked for purses. Hundreds of purses were donated to the Dress for Success program to help low income women. This year's request is for hats. They will be auctioned to benefit the Kansas Center for the Book.

Ah! That's a call I couldn't resist. I'm knitting the Lion Brand Chenille Hood from the pattern I discussed in an earlier post. I'm using a chocolate brown chenille that just begs to be fondled.

Yesterday was KLA Legislative Day in Topeka. Many librarians across the state braved icy weather to show up and discuss issues of importance to Kansas libraries with our legislators. I carried my yarn and hood-in-progress in my purse and worked on it whenever I found myself waiting for a legislator. What is more appropriate than Knitting in Public for a Kansas library event when you are promoting Kansas Libraries?

By the time I got home, the hood was half finished. If I have any knitting time in the coming week I should be able to get it mailed off soon and on to the socks for the March birthday kids.

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