Monday, January 21, 2008

I hate being sick!

I don't even look THIS good. My best guess is that I have bronchitis. In about an hour I'll go to the PA and find out for sure. Glands are swollen; I ache everywhere; when I cough, I'm sure my toenails are coming up with the cough... you know the drill.

Yesterday Pat put me to bed and made me stay there all day. (Was he taking care of me or defending his right to watch 8 hrs of football uninterrupted?)

It was great -- except when I was awake. Most of the time I had the electric blanket on high and was talking about being cold. Even at that, Pat said I didn't have a fever. I managed to crawl out of bed today and soak in the shower for a while. The back side of the house is so cold that I'm baking a cake just to have an excuse to have the oven on. I have also closed off the south bedroom and my old bedroom. That way the heater doesn't have to warm those two rooms.

Hm... I checked Weatherbug. It's just above 34 degrees, so it isn't all that cold. Must be me.

At least, if I stay awake, I can knit. I have 3 projects in the works. The one closest to finished is a green scarf that matches the watch cap I made Pat. He found his blue doubleknit hat so I get to keep the green one. That's good. I have a couple of coats that don't have hoods. It will be nice to have a hat. And a scarf.

Then there is Sue's doubleknit hat. I'm worried there won't be enough of her primary color to complete the hat. I was about 3 inches into the hat and noticed the yarn was about half gone. So I ripped it out and started over with bigger needles. May be the same number of stitches, but they should cover more territory. (I hope.)

And -- I have started (again) Pat's Oregon vest. It's made with the Chunky Wool-Ease this time. It's working smoother and looks better that it did in Homespun. I will get this one finished.

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