I miss chatting about knitting with the folks on Kansasknits. For a few years we were a virtual knitting group that met online and shared stories of our loves and labors. I would never have learned to knit socks if Jo had not challenged us to knit a pair of socks a month for a year. I would never have developed an appreciation of spinning without Sandy. We all ached for members with family problems or illness and rejoiced with their successes.
The group died a slow death a couple of years ago. Folks are busy and don't answer when someone posts. They voted to keep it open, but there has been very little chatter. Today everyone is on Facebook and chat groups are dinosaurs.
I am as guilty as the next one. My world has changed as well. Still, I miss my Kansasknits friends. I wish them well. Maybe someday I'll start a Kansasknits Facebook page.