Reyes and Lala got their fabric first. I took Kayleigh and Emily to the fabric store last Saturday and found their fabric. It's a good thing Pat traded a camera to Steve for his late Mom's serger. I'm going to be a busy woman now! Lala's outfit was the first one I made. I finished it in time for Easter. I'm not certain who will be next. Reyes could use more pants, but the outfits for the girls are so-o-o-o cute! Hm...

We had a houseful for Easter. There were about 14 people here. (That's getting to be the standard number.) I'm glad we have a big living room and lots of folding chairs! Pat barbecued hot dogs, hamburgers and bratwurst outside on the grill. We had the usual fixings -- baked beans, mac n cheese, jello, chips, dip. The hit of the day, however were the fresh strawberries and chocolate that Jennie brought. Gonna have to remember that when our strawberry bed starts producing.